Technology & Fraud Solutions
Our partners and ourselves provide access to innovative and proven solutions that really work to prevent and detect fraud in most environments.
Solutions include:
Data analytics – empower the data you hold and held by others to identify anomalous activity with a best in class UK based provider working across insurers, banks, credit providers and the motor industry
Layered Voice Analysis – Voice analytics technology primarily focuses on the sub-phonetical elements in the human voice. These are elements of the voice that we can hardly notice with our human ear, but this is an area where traces of our real emotions hide. Voice analytics has become particularly important across segments today as it can help in detecting excitement, stress, uncertainty, anger, happiness, hesitation, embarrassment and more in the human voice.
This type of software provides lower skilled workers with the tools they need to consistently identify behaviours including deception and importantly pick up where the customer or user is genuine.
Cyber Check – Automated website monitoring, protection, and problem fixing – Founded in February 2018 and headquartered in London, KYND is a new breed of cyber company. KYND makes complex cyber risks simple to understand and manage for every organization, regardless of size, means or industry sector. For more information click here
Self-serve Cyber Risk Assessment – More to come soon
Self-serve Fraud Risk Analysis – More to come soon
Mobile Phone Based Fraud Detection – More to come soon
We only recommend partners we have worked with and whom we believe provide a leading edge in fraud prevention. Please use our contact page to arrange a consultation